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OPEN HOUSE ITB 2009 – ITB’s Golden Anniversary

OPEN HOUSE ITB 2009 – ITB’s Golden Anniversary

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI) ITB participate in ITB’s Open House and Golden Anniversary. In this chance, SEEI open an information centre in “Aula Timur” (East Hall) of ITB. In this information centre, visitors can see the information about study programs in SEEI, research, and students activities in SEEI.

In SEEI there are five study programs. They are Electrical Power Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Information System and Technology. In Electrical engineering, there are 3 sub-programs. They are Electronics, Control, and Biomedical Engineering. SEEI also has master and doctoral program. Master program has 3 programs which are electrical engineering, Informatics, and Informatics Technology. Doctoral program has nine research divisions, which are Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Control and Computer Systems, Electronics, Software Engineering and Data, Informatics, Information Technology, Electrical Power Engineering, and Telecommunication Engineering.

Intan, one of visitors from senior high school in Bandung, who come to the SEEI information centre, asks the officer about the study program in SEEI. She says that she want to try to pass the national examination to enter SEEI of ITB. In contradiction with Intan, Rachma wants to get the information about the master program. She also asks about scholarship chances.

In this chance, students from senior high school or anyone else who want to enter SEEI can come to the presentation of SEEI that was presented by Vice Dean of Academic Fair of SEEI.

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