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Rector said “Electrical Engineering Students are The Best”

Rector said “Electrical Engineering Students are The Best”

Prof. Djoko Santoso, rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung said that Students of Electrical Engineering are The Best in ITB. This statement was said in formal ceremony and delivery of pico-hydro power plant that has been built by students of Electrical Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technolog in Ciparanje River in Awilegga, Garut, West Java to villagers.

In that chance, Prof. Djoko Santoso, and representation of Chevron Geothermal Indonesia as the sponsor of this project, announce officially this power plant. Go along with them, Dean of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Prof. Adang Suwandi Ahmad, Vice Dean for Academic Affair of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Dr. Suhartono Tjondronegoro, Chairman of Bachelor Program for Power Engineering, Dr. Muhammad Nurdin, Garut Government Representation, and House of Charity Salman ITB. Garut Government Representation said their thankful to students who help them to give the electricity to the villager. They really appreciate this student’s society project.

Electrical Engineering Students class of 2005 built pico-hydro power plant that uses water flow of Ciparanje River as the prime mover to drive the generator. Hadyan Nur Buwana, as the Chief of Technical Division, said that, Ciparanje has a big potential for hydro power plant. So, after doing some observation in Awilega Village, PALAPA Team, which its members are Electrical Engineering Students class of 2005, decided to built a small power plant. They build a small dam and flow the water through a penstock pipe. This system has a potential energy about 10 kilowatt but PALAPA Team just use 2 kilowatt that produces by induction generator 5 kilowatt.

Testantoro Randi Putra, as The Project Leader said that, when they built this power plant, the villager also helped them. PALAPA team hopes that through this collaboration, villagers can get knowledge transfer about pico-hydro power plant. So, when this power plant is on damage or failure, they can fix it themselves.

Fadolly Ardin, who is the pioneer of this project, hopes that, there are many more this kind of activities so there are many more villages in Indonesia that get the electricity.

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