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Monitoring and Evaluation of ITB Research

Monitoring and Evaluation of ITB Research

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Thursday, November 13th, 2008, placed at the Grand Aquila Hotel, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ITB and Information and Communication Technology Research Center (PPTIK) ITB, collaborated with the LPPM ITB, held the Seminar of Monitoring and Evaluation of ITB Research 2008. The aim of this seminar is monitoring and evaluation research activities in SSEI and PPTIK ITB area.

The Opening Ceremony was presented by head of LPPM ITB, Dr.Ir. Indratmo Soekarno, M.Sc. He hoped that all research activities have a clear direction, than can bring the mission of ITB institutional. He thought that nowadays the researchers still doing the research that they like. Even, the results of the successful research, recycled continuously, so mission of the institution is not running. With a structured research, the research can support the development of science and quality of the education and then can give the result that can be enjoyed by the all of Indonesian people. The result of the research must a commercial products or scientific products. This year ITB have a target that must produce 180 papers of International Journal. Expected, that the journal that produced from each researches division not less 25% from the number of research division member.

Talked about constraints of research administration, he admitted that there are some weaknesses in LPPM ITB, but he asserted that this condition will be improved. “I’ll find, and I’ve got our weakness point”, he said. “And I believe that next year, this activity will be running smoothly, and I won’t that the researcher and lecturer to handle the administration problems. The engineer is not an Accountant”

After opening ceremony, head of PPTIK ITB, Ir. Armien Z. Langi, Ph.D. conveyed that PPTIK as a virtual research center, involving the researchers in research division/faculty/school to manage a research schedule/agenda. The agenda is development a “masterpiece” of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), ICT solution and comprehensive that can be applied to build a society. This concept is called “Smart Village”.

In a plenary session titled “Smart Village based Rural-ICT”, he revealed function of ITB Research to create structure of the research center job which is called as research operating system. In 2008, research activity in PPTIK ITB arranged in 5 large programs: testbed infrastructure, rural business development, digital learning, health services and e-learning. To support the activity, PPTIK held management weekly meeting, evaluation research progress every month, consignment, international conference, and paper/journal workshop. “I strive with my friends to realize a virtual research center. Although the results have not been as expected, but we believe the direction, research 2.0, research based community” he said.

Next plenary session, there’re 2 parallel session. In this parallel session, there’re 11 research activities presentation from KK research, top research and international research. Every presentation followed by discuss session (ask – question). ITB Research Commission, Dr. T.A. Fauzi Soelaiman, who present since the seminar begun, close this seminar at 13.00.

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