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10 Years Information Technology Education in ITB

10 Years Information Technology Education in ITB

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December 2nd – 3rd, 2008, placed in the SABUGA, 4th floor, Information Technology Research Division of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI) ITB held the Seminar with the theme is ICT Innovation in development “C Generation” which creative and worth. “C Generation” can be mean as a new generation that be symbolized by Connection, Convergence, Collaboration, Content Creative, and Contextual.

ICT very close with the transformation generation changes, it was begun by narrow ribbon communication technology, tape width, mobility, Convergence with computer and broadcasting, then collaboration through social networking like Web 2.0 and then content creative. ICT become a main force agent in the emergence of Generation C.

The background of this seminar, Information Technology education in ITB was begun in 1998 as Option from Magister of Electrical Engineering ITB and its begun with collaboration program between ITB Magister Program and PT. Telkom with the option name is Information System and Technology. This program lasts for 3 years. In 1999 PT. Indosat sent the employees for 2 years. In 2000 this program was opened as a part from ITB Regular Magister Education with the name Information Technology Option. Many students are interested in this program, every year the students who interested always increased even since 2002 DEPDIKNAS sent the SMK Teachers joined with Information Technology Magister Program. Since 2007, collaborated by Information and Communication Department (DEPKOMINFO), then was opened Magister Program Option, Chief Information Officer (CIO).

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