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STT PLN Students Visited to SEEI ITB

STT PLN Students Visited to SEEI ITB

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December 4th, 2008, placed in the Multimedia Room, Labtek VIII Building 2nd floor, Electrical Engineering Students of STT (Sekolah Tinggi Teknik) PLN visited to School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI) ITB, especially Electrical Engineering Study Program. They were companied by 2 Lecturers of STT PLN.

SEEI presentation was presented by Ir. Nanang Haryanto, MT. He is one of SEEI Lecturer who joined in Electrical Power Engineering Research Division. After the presentation, was closed by a discussion session who moderated by Bayu Setyolaksono (SEEI Subdivision Head of Information Systems). There were many questions from STT PLN Students. The one of it is about the scholarship.

The aim of visited to SEEI:

  1. To compare about the curriculum that the SEEI have with the STT PLN’s
  2. To know about the activities of SEEI Electrical Engineering Students
  3. To know about the procedure of practical
  4. To know about the research that related with the laboratory
  5. To know about another function of laboratory
  6. To know about collaboration with the industry
  7. To know about the relation between practical and courses

Expected through this visited that the students of STT PLN can adopt all of these to their campus. And they hope can make a collaboration between SEEI Students and STT PLN Students to make STT PLN better.

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