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International Seminar on Command, Control, Communication, Computers, and Intelligent (C4I) Research in Seoul, South Korea

International Seminar on Command, Control, Communication, Computers, and Intelligent (C4I) Research in Seoul, South Korea

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On November 13, 2008, Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Prof.Dr.Ir. Adang Suwandi Ahmad together with his Doctoral student, Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi Sumari [33207305] were invited by Graduate School of Information dan Communication Technology, Ajou University of Suwon, South Korea to present their present research in International Seminar on Command, Control, Communication, Computers, and Intelligent (C4I) Research in Seoul, South Korea.

In the seminar that was managed by Republic of Korea (ROK) Joint Chiefs of Staff and Ajou University in commemorating the 10th anniversary of the founding of C4I Master Degree course, Professor Adang Suwandi Ahmad presented their research paper with title “INFORMATION FUSION IN C4ISR FRAMEWORK: CONCEPT AND APPLICATION IN NATION DEFENCE (IFiND)”. In short, their paper expresses the utilization of information fusion to deliver comprehensive information regarding the environment dynamics so the decision maker can make decisions in quick and accurate manner. The paper takes an example from a military case in defending the sovereignty of the Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia from any kind of nation violations.

In the same occasion, Professor Adang Suwandi Ahmad and Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi Sumari also formally launched their brand new book with title “MULTI-AGENT INFORMATION INFERENCING FUSION IN INTEGRATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS” which is published by the ITB Publisher. This is the first book in “INFORMATION SCIENCE AND COMPUTING” series which is published for public digest by the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung. The primary objective behind the book launching is to expose the long-time existence of ITB as one of world-class-research-based university.

The seminar also presented other foreign speaker, Professor Mark Pullen from C4I Center, George Mason University who gave a presentation on Battle Management Language. Other speakers are from Ajou University. Their presentations mainly related to recent and future C4I status in South Korea.

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