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The 14th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge 2008

The 14th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge 2008

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General Information

The 14th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge 2008 will be held at the Bumi Sangkuriang, Bandung Indonesia, on November 23 – 25, 2008. This is the 14th conference of a series that had its las venues in Hokkaido, Japan (2006), Shenzhen, China (2004), Seoul, Korea (2002), Kyoto, Japan (2000), Bandung, Indonesia (1998), Bangkok, Thailand (1996), Xian, China (1994), Oita, Japan (1993), and Singapore (1992).

The purpose of this conference is intended to provide a forum for researhers, scientist and engineers to exchange ideas and discuss recent progress in properties, phenomena and applications of electrical discharges.

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