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Malaysian Institute of Microelectronics System (MIMOS) is one of the research institutions that receive subsidies from the government of Malaysia. These institutions focus to research the development of the latest technology, which will be used by the industry in Malaysia. Mimos and now has become a corporate research and technology development with its main focus is research & development, the development of national information technology policy and business development.

Tuesday 21 October 2008, MIMOS for the umpteenth time to come to SEEI ITB to discuss the scheme and joint research activities. This times, led by Vice President of Software Development and Engineering Center, Mr. Thillai RAJ, together with two other representatives, namely, Prof.dr. Masuri Othman (Director, Microsystems and MEMS) and Dr. Amirudin Abd. Wahab (Director, Corporate Alliance and Communications). The agenda of the visit this time is to discussions STEI with the leaders, visits to the Microelectronics Center and discussion of research activities and cooperation.

The potential topic that can be submitted to the cooperation are:

  • Microelectronics (Bolomer Sensor & Gyroskop)
  • IC Design for Communication System
  • Control and Instrumentation
  • Software Engineering
  • Embedded System

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