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ACED 2008, 14th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge

ACED 2008, 14th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge


The 14th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED 2008) will be held at the Bumi Sangkuriang, Bandung, Indonesia, on November 23-25, 2008. This is the 14th conference of a series that had its last venues in hokkaido, Japan (2006), Shenzhen, China (2004), Seoul, Korea (2002), Kyoto, Japan (2000), Bandung, Indonesia (1998), Bangkok, Thailand (1996), Xian, China (1994), Oita, Japan (1993) and Singapore (1992). The Purpose of this conference is intended to provide a forum for researchers, scientist and engineers to exchange ideas and discuss recent progress in properties, phenomena and applications of electrical discharges. The organizing committee cordially invites you to participates in the conference.

Topic Areas

Original papers on the following topics, but not limited to, are welcome to be submitted :

  1. Elementary Processes and transport phenomena
  2. Coronas, sparks, surface discharges, high-pressure glows, and high-frequency discharges
  3. Plasma chemistry, plasma processing of surfaces and thin film technology
  4. Plasma sources of radiation
  5. Electrical discharge, plasma and their applications
  6. Plasma for Environmental issues
  7. Lighting discharge phenomena and its measurement
  8. High voltage technology for insulation (diagnostics, on-line monitoring, measurements, testing techniques and quality assurance)
  9. Electromagnetic fields, measurement, and environmental effects
  10. Intelligent systems in HV engineering: data mining and knowledge rules
  11. Industry application of electrical discharge
  12. Globalization of electrical discharge technology (International Standards, etc.)
  13. Others


English is the official language of the conference. All documents must also be written in English.

Submission of Abstract

You are invited to submit an abstract of about 500 words to the Conference Secretariat by May 31, 2008 via e-mail, facsimile, or airmail. The abstract must include title, author’s name(s), affiliation(s), mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers. The abstract should be in Microsoft Word format. Acceptance or rejection of abstract(s) will be notified by late June 2008 to the corresponding author.

Submission of Full Paper

The authors of the accepeted papers are requested to submit camera-ready manuscript by August 31, 2008. The author’s kit and detailed instructions for paper preparation and submission will be annouced in the conference website www.aced2008.com and/or to authors in other convenient way. All accepted papers will be published in the conference Proceedings. One author(s) may submit at most two papers. There will be additional charge to the second paper.

Student Support

A limited amount of financial support will be available for bona fide student. They must co-author and present at least one paper. They should submit a request for support to the Conference Secretariat by October 1, 2008.

Important Date

Abstract Due Date : May 31, 2008
Manuscript Due Date : August 31, 2008
Deadline Registration : November 1, 2008
Conference Date : November 23-25, 2008
ACED2008 Secretariat

Deny Hamdani

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganeca 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Phone/Fax : +62-22-2534185
E-mail :secretary@aced2008.com

For more information please visit the official website www.aced2008.com

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