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Dr. Ir. Syarif Hidayat, Developing an Emergency Ventilator with Salman ITB Activists

Dr. Ir. Syarif Hidayat, Developing an Emergency Ventilator with Salman ITB Activists

Dr. Ir. Syarif Hidayat, Developing an Emergency Ventilator with Salman ITB Activists

In the midst of fears of the Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic, the main concern is the availability of medical aids. One of them is a ventilator. This tool can help patients keep breathing when their lungs are damaged, and the price is expensive.

Moreover, at times like this, these tools are becoming scarce because of the large number of hospitals that order them. Ventilator stock is currently running low and the price is soaring.

Dr. Ir. Syarif Hidayat , a lecturer at STEI ITB (KK Ketenagalistrikan) who is also the supervisor of YPM Salman ITB, is currently developing a prototype of an emergency ventilator product. 

Together with activist Salman ITB – students from various fields of education – this ventilator is expected to help patients in emergency situations as an alternative tool.

The prototype for this tool is called the Venti. Venti (Indonesian Portable Ventilator) is a breathing apparatus for patients with medium level emergencies. This tool is not intended for ICU patients.

The materials used for emergency ventilators can be found on the market, which are easy to find. Its components consist of motors, pumps, hoses, fans, valves, filters, and several programming with Arduino.

In an emergency situation when all the ventilators in the hospital are used, it is hoped that this tool can be used. Broadly speaking, this tool can exhale 12-18 times per minute without having to connect to an oxygen cylinder.

Now, this team is also strengthened by several other ITB lecturers, namely Prof. Dr. Aerospace and Dr. Sandro from FTMD ITB, along with his students. This tool is still being developed, and receives input from various parties for its further development.

A review by the anesthetist medical team was carried out. Endorsed tools with recommended improvements.