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KK Informatika

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Sasaran Umum KK

To develop science, expertise and “Tri-Dharma Perguruan Tinggi” in order to achieve center of excellence in informatics

Sasaran Khusus KK

  1. To develop science and expertise of informatics.
  2. To do advanced research and applied research in informatics.
  3. To produce excellence human resource in informatics
  4. To develop network and cooperativeness of science and professional world of informatics with nationals and internationals partners
  5. to build members career and competencies

Cakupan Penelitian

Cakupan Penelitian :

  1. Information search Engine
  2. Multimedia Security
  3. Integrated Messaging Engine
  4. Knowledge Engine
  5. Learning Engine
  6. Intelligent Graphical Engine
  7. Natural Language Processing
  8. Image Interpretation Engine
  9. Computer Vision
  10. Virtual Society Development
  11. IT Governance Organization
  12. Information Retrieval
  13. Simulation System
  14. Risk Management
  15. Business Process
  16. IT Alignment
  17. IS Growing
  18. Intelligent System
  19. Intelligent Agent
  20. Cognitive System
  21. Distributed Computing System
  22. Computer Network Security
  23. Mobile Processing
  24. Wireless Management
  25. Next Generation Network