Nama Proyek Peranan Tahun Pemberi project
desain dan Implementasi Dual Polarization FMCW untuk Penerapan Phased Array Radar 3D pita 5 – band dengan Fitur Clutter Suppression dan Target Shape Recognition Leader 2,016 Kementrian Negara Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia
Perancangan Perangkat Pemindai Tubuh Berbasis ltrawideband untuk keamanan Transportasi Udara di Bandara Internasional terhadap Aksi Terorisme Leader 2,010 Institut Teknologi Bandung
Nama publikasi Penerbit Pengarang Tipe Peranan Tanggal terbit
E-government master plan design with togaf framework Proceedings of 2014 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, TSSA 2014 Edward, I.Y.M., Shalannanda, W., Lestariningati, S.I., Agusdian, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
COBIT Based IT Governance and Organization Standard Model Design for Local Government 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA) ISBN: 978-1-4799-7447-4 , Bali 2014 Ian Yosef Matheus Edward, Susmini Indriani Lestariningati, Aldo Agusdian and Wervyan Shalannanda International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Correlation Model Map Between the ICT Industry Growths with GDP Growth 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA) ISBN: 978-1-4799-7447-4 , Bali 2014 Aldo Agusdian, Susmini Indriani Lestariningati and Ian Yosef Matheus Edward International Proceeding Author 12/31/2014
E-Government Master Plan Design with TOGAF Framework 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA) ISBN: 978-1-4799-7447-4 , Bali 2014 Ian Yosef Matheus Edward, Wervyan Shalannanda, Susmini Indriani Lestariningati and Aldo Agusdian International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Proposal of TOGAF ADM Enterprise Continuum for Organization Specific Solution on e-Government 2014 IEEE Joint International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Second International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology24-25 November 2014, Bali, Indonesia, ISBN 978-1-4799-8477-IEEE Catalog Number: CFP14A95-CDR Ian Yosef Matheus Edward, Wervyan Shalannanda, Aldo Agusdian, and SusminiIndriani Lestariningati International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
DISCRETE SIGNAL PROCESSING (DSP) BASED QPSK DEMODULATOR AND ITSSYNCHRONIZATION DIGITAL CIRCUIT DESIGN The 5th International Conference TSSA 2009 Aldo Agusdian, Susmini I. Lestariningati International Proceeding Author 12/31/2009


Nama Semester SKS Peranan
ET4088:Ekonomi & Jaminan Revenue Telekomunikasi 1-2012/2013 3 Core
ET4088:Ekonomi & Jaminan Revenue Telekomunikasi 1-2011/2012 3 Core
Ekonomi Telekomunikasi & Jaminan Revenue 1-2011/2012 2 Core
Kerja Praktek 1-2010/2011 2 Core
Kerja Praktek 2-2009/2010 1 Core
Praktikum Teknik Telekomunikasi I 1-2009/2010 1 Core
Kerja Praktek 1-2009/2010 1 Core
Kerja Praktek 2-2008/2009 1 Core
Kerja Praktek 1-2008/2009 1 Core
Praktikum Teknik Telekomunikasi I 1-2008/2009 1 Core
ET40Z1:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 3-2007/2008 1 Core
ET5023:Sistem Radar & Navigasi 2-2007/2008 2 Core
ET40Z1:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 2-2007/2008 1 Core
ET3008:Sistem Komunikasi Optik 2-2007/2008 3 Core
ET40K0 1-2007/2008 1 Core
ET40Z1:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 1-2007/2008 1 Core
ET3007:Antena & Propagasi Gelombang 1-2007/2008 3 Core
ET4007 1-2007/2008 1 Core
ET4007 2-2006/2007 1 Core
ET5023:Sistem Radar & Navigasi 2-2006/2007 2 Core
ET3008:Sistem Komunikasi Optik 2-2006/2007 3 Core
ET3007:Antena & Propagasi Gelombang 1-2006/2007 3 Core
ET4007 1-2006/2007 1 Core
ET40K0 1-2006/2007 1 Core
ET40Z1:Tugas Akhir I & Seminar 1-2006/2007 1 Core
ET5023:Sistem Radar & Navigasi 2-2005/2006 2 Core
ET3008:Sistem Komunikasi Optik 2-2005/2006 3 Core
ET40K0 1-2005/2006 1 Core
ET3001:Sistem Komunikasi Analog & Digital 1-2005/2006 3 Core
ET3008:Sistem Komunikasi Optik 2-2004/2005 3 Core
ET5023:Sistem Radar & Navigasi 2-2004/2005 2 Core
ET3001:Sistem Komunikasi Analog & Digital 1-2004/2005 3 Core
ET3008:Sistem Komunikasi Optik 2-2003/2004 3 Core

Title Start Finish Seq
Perancangan Guideline Tambahan Togaf ADM Enterprise Continuum Untuk Perancangan Master Plan E-Government (Studi Kasus : Kota Payakumbuh) 08/01/2014 03/09/2015 2
Evaluasi Kinerja Algoritma Esprit dalam Sistem Antena Adaptive Array yang Berbasiskan pada Estimasi Arah Kedatangan Sinyal 01/01/2008 09/25/2008 1