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Nama publikasi Penerbit Pengarang Tipe Peranan Tanggal terbit
High sensitivity very low frequency receiver for earthquake data acquisition Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control); vol.15; Issue.1; Art.; page.365-372; DOI. 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v15i1.4893 Munir A., Kusmadi, Kusnandar, Najmurrokhman A., Chairunnisa, Sunubroto International Journal Author 01/01/2017
Radiator of wireless power charging for mobile device and its efficiency characterization INTELEC, International Telecommunications Energy Conference (Proceedings) Munir, A., Dessy Eka Rahayu, N.W., Ranum, B.T. International Proceeding Author 12/31/2016
Development of automatic VSAT antenna pointing system based on AVR microcontroller 2016 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices, ISESD 2016; vol.; Issue.; Art.7886738; page.303-306; DOI. 10.1109/ISESD.2016.7886738 Wibisono M.A., Iskandar, Munir A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/29/2016
Characteristic improvement of circular waveguide BPF using artificial dielectric resonators Characteristic improvement of circular waveguide BPF using artificial dielectric resonators Hasanah B., Munir A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/29/2016
Microstrip filter with reconfigurable frequency responses based on capacitor chips ISAP 2016 – International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation; vol.; Issue.; Art.7821556; page.906-907; DOI. Munir A., Lukius H. International Proceeding Author 10/24/2016
Experimental Approach of FMCW Signal Generation using Direct Digital Synthesizer Module 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, October 6-7, 2016, Bali, Indonesia Kusmadi, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 10/06/2016
Development of FMCW SAR on L-Band Frequency for UAV Payload 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, October 6-7, 2016, Bali, Indonesia Zainal Abidin, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 10/06/2016
A Novel of Square Loop Resonator Band Pass Filter by Using Cross-Shape Input/Output Coupling for 9GHz Application 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, October 6-7, 2016, Bali, Indonesia Edwar, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 10/06/2016
Development of Multiple Elements of SRR-based Bandpass Filter 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, October 6-7, 2016, Bali, Indonesia Mohamad Syahral, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 10/06/2016
Dual Polarization X-Band Square Horn Antenna 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, October 6-7, 2016, Bali, Indonesia Abdul Wahid, Chairunnisa, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 10/06/2016
Isolation improvement for x-band FMCW radar transmit and receive antennas Proceeding – 2016 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications, ICRAMET 2016; vol.; Issue.; Art.7849594; page.110-114; DOI. 10.1109/ICRAMET.2016.7849594 Wahab M., Saputera Y.P., Wahyu Y., Munir A. International Proceeding Co-Author 10/03/2016
Image quality improvement for GPR acquisition using interpolation method Proceedings – Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2016 Intyas, I., Suksmono, A.B., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/25/2016
Circular sector printed antenna array for S-band radar application Proceedings – Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2016 Munir, A., Pratiwi, N.A. International Proceeding Author 08/25/2016
Rectangular waveguide BPF using split ring resonator metamaterials Proceedings – Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2016 Hidayat, M.R., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/25/2016
Utilization of split ring resonator for compact narrowband microstrip bandpass filter Proceedings – Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2016 Wibisono, M.A., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/25/2016
Analysis of equivalent circuit for bandpass filter based on SRR with groundplane windowing Proceedings – Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2016 Afthar, E.R., Hidayat, M.R., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/25/2016
Side lobe suppression for X-band array antenna using Dolph-Chebyshev power distribution Proceedings – Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2016 Saputra, Y.P., Oktafiani, F., Wahyu, Y., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/25/2016
Cylindrical coordinate system-based FDTD method for analysis of THz circular waveguide coated by dielectric material Proceedings – Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2016 Daneraici Setiawan, A., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/25/2016
Signal processing of position plan indicator display for weather radar Proceedings – Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2016 Haryasena, M.N., Daneraici Setiawan, A., Muhaimin, H., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/25/2016
High gain 2.4GHz patch antenna array for rural area application Proceedings – Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2016 Aji, G.M., Wibisono, M.A., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/25/2016
Adaptive FFT-based Signal Processing on FMCW Weather Radar. 2nd ICWT 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Alvita Maurizka, Habibur Muhaimin and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 08/01/2016
Microstrip BPF Made of Square Loop Resonator for X-Band eather Radar. 2nd ICWT 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Edwar, Muhammad Ammar Wibisono and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 08/01/2016
aEquivalent Circuit for Microstrip Bandpass Filter. 2nd ICWT 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Bunga Dwi Wulandari and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 08/01/2016
Ultra High Frequency Log Periodic Antenna for Digital TV Application. 2nd ICWT 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Riska Audina Anindyasari and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 08/01/2016
Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Capacitive Artificial Magnetic Conductor. 2nd ICWT 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Ahmad Ikhyari and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 08/01/2016
Performance Analysis of FMCW-based X-Band Weather Radar. 2nd ICWT 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Kusmadi Andinata and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 08/01/2016
Design of 9GHz Dual-Polarized Rectangular Waveguide Antenna. 2nd ICWT 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abdul Wahid and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 08/01/2016
Compact T-shaped dipole antenna for GPS application 2016 13th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2016 Munir, A., Kusmadi, Aripin, Z., Bharata, E., Sugihartono, Saputra, Y.P., Iskandar International Proceeding Author 06/28/2016
Slot utilization for altering polarization of X-band microstrip patch antenna 2016 13th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2016 Saputra, Y.P., Wahyu, Y., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 06/28/2016
Characterization of wireless power charging receiver for mobile device International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol.7 Issue.1 Ranum, B.T., Rahayu, N.W.D.E., Munir, A. International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2015
Size reduction of printed log-periodic dipole array antenna using fractal koch geometry International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol.7 Issue.2 Chairunnisa, Sihaloho, D.F., Munir, A. International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2015
Theoretical analysis of resonant frequency for AMC-based absorber composed of square patch array International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol.7 Issue.2 Nur, L.O., Kurniawan, A., Sugihartono, Munir, A. International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2015
Analysis of Wave Characteristics between Cylindrical and Cartesian Coordinate System-based Structure Using FDTD Method TSSA 2015 Nabila Husna Shabrina and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Artificial Dielectric Material for Lowering Resonant Frequency of Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna ISPACS 2015 Aditya Gianto Hadiwijaya and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Beam Reconfiguration of Capacitor-based Square Patch Antenna Array ICWT 2015 Nisa Sabrina Mulya, C Chairunnisa and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Capacitor-based Reconfigurable Beam and Polarization of Square Patch Antenna for WLAN Application ISPACS 2015 Achmad Munir and I Gusti A. A. M. D. Inkasari International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
Characterization of Circular Spiral Patch for Wireless Charging Radiator ICWT 2015 Firse Vanindika and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Compact Antipodal Vivaldi Printed Antenna for Ultra Wideband Application ICWT 2015 Risang Arono and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Cylindrical Coordinate System-based Full Wave FDTD Computation for Resonant Frequency Calculation of Circular Cavity The 10th International Forum on Strategic Technology 2015 Bali, 3-5 Juni 2015 Dr. Eng. Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
Cylindrical Coordinate System-based Full Wave FDTD Computation for Resonant Frequency Calculation of Circular Cavity Resonator ICWT 2015 Achmad Munir and Biru Tutur Ranum International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
Development of AVR Microcontroller-based Antenna Measurement Tool for Student Experimentation TSSA 2015 Muhammad Ammar Wibisono and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Development of High Sensitivity Amplifier for VLF Receiver Application. ICEEI 2015 Kusnandar, Kusmadi, Asep Najmurrokhman, S Sunobroto, C Chairunnisa and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Development of Radio Telescope Receiver Based on GNU Radio and USRP ICWT 2015 Bramantyo Ibrahim Supriyatno, Taufiq Hidayat, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Development of SAR Transmitter for Nanosatellite based Remote Sensing Application. ICEEI 2015 Edwar E and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Effect of Material Thickness on Resonance Characteristics of Anisotropic Artificial Circular Dielectric Resonator TSSA 2015 Hepi Ludiyati, Andriyan B. Suksmono , Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Extraction of Anisotropic Thin Slab Artificial Dielectric Material Property Using Rectangular Waveguide. ICEEI 2015 Zaki Abdurrasyid and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
FMCW-based SAR Transmitter for Remote Sensing Application and Its Characterization TSSA 2015 Edwar Baihaqi , Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Impedance Matching Circuit for 30-88MHz Monopole Antenna with Automatic Matching ICWT 2015 Akhmadanna Pradipta Putra and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Improvement of Radar Performance Using LFM Pulse Compression Technique. ICEEI 2015 Ilfriyantri Intyas, Barokatun Hasanah, Rahmawati Hasanah, M. Reza Hidayat, Achmad Munir and Andriyan Bayu Suksmono International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Matlab and GNU Radio based SFCW Radar for Range Detection. ICEEI 2015 Atik Charisma, Antrisha Daneraici Setiawan, Soni Aulia Rahayu, Achmad Munir and Andriyan Bayu Suksmono International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Multiband Printed Antenna Composed of An Array of Split Ring Resonators IEEE European Microwave Week 2015 Paris, Perancis, 6-11 September 2015 Dr. Eng. Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
Printed Traveling Wave Antenna Composed of Interdigital Capacitor Structure for Wireless Communication Application Intelligent Technology and Its Application (ISITIA) 2015 Surabaya, 20-21 Mei 2015 Dr. Eng. Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
Radiator of Wireless Power Charging for Mobile Device and Its Efficiency Characterization The 37th IEEE PELS Internasional Telecommunications Energy Conference Namba-Osaka Japan, 18-22 Oktober 2015 Dr. Eng. Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
Resonant Frequency Computation of Dielectric Material Loaded Circular Waveguide Using Cylindrical Coordinate System based FDTD Method ICEEI 2015 Antrisha Daneraici Setiawan, Hardi Nusantara and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Simulation Design of Compact Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave Through Wall Radar. ICEEI 2015 Kusmadi K and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Stationary and Moving Targets Detection on FMCW Radar Using GNU Radio-Based Software Defined Radio ISPACS 2015 Siska Aulia, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Wireless Power Charging System for Mobile Device Based on Magnetic Resonance Coupling. ICEEI 2015 Achmad Munir and Biru Tutur Ranum International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
16-port array antenna feeding network with programmable phase shifter capability 2015 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications, ISITIA 2015 – Proceeding Litouw, J.I., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
3D artificial material characterization using rectangular waveguide Proceedings – 2014 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering: Leveraging Research and Technology Through University-Industry Collaboration, ICITEE 2014 Wibowo, D.P., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Bandwidth improvement of square patch array-based AMC using multiple slots technique 2015 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, ICoICT 2015 Munir, A., Nur, L.O. International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
Conformal printed traveling wave antenna composed of interdigital capacitor structure IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest) Munir, A., Santosa, C.E. International Journal Author 12/31/2015
Development of microstrip BPF using open split ring resonator with square groundplane window ISAP 2014 – 2014 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Conference Proceedings Munir, A., Safitri, R., Effendi, M.R. International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
FDTD method for scattering parameters extraction of rectangular waveguide loaded with anisotropic dielectric material Proceedings – 2014 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering: Leveraging Research and Technology Through University-Industry Collaboration, ICITEE 2014 Munir, A., Randa, M., Effendi, M.R. International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
FSS-based planar filter with capacitor chips for antenna frequency selection Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2015 Jauhari, A., Chairunnisa, C., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
High gain RF amplifier for very low frequency receiver application Proceedings – 2014 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering: Leveraging Research and Technology Through University-Industry Collaboration, ICITEE 2014 Putera, R., Kusnandar, Najmurrokhman, A., Sunubroto, Chairunnisa, Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Incorporation of square patch and SRR metamaterials for dual-band printed antenna IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest) Harfianto, M.A., Suprayogi, Munir, A. International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2015
Radio frequency interference measurement in site testing programs for the future multi-wavelength observatory in Indonesia AIP Conference Proceedings Hidayat, T., Dermawan, B., Mahasena, P., Munir, A., Nurzaman, M.Z., Jaelani, A.T. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Scattering parameters extraction of dielectric loaded circular waveguide using cylindrical coordinate system-based FDTD method 2015 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications, ISITIA 2015 – Proceeding Amin, E.J., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Size reduction of UHF planar inverted-F antenna with patch geometry modification ISAP 2014 – 2014 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Conference Proceedings Munir, A., Harish, A., Chairunnisa International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
SRR incorporation for dual-band square patch antenna Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications, IEEE APWC 2015 Munir, A., Harfianto, M.A., Suprayogi International Proceeding Author 12/31/2015
Thin em wave absorber composed of octagonal patch array and its characteristic measurement 2015 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, ICoICT 2015 Nur, L.O., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
FMCW-based SAR transmitter for remote sensing application and its characterization Proceeding of the 2015 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, TSSA 2015 Edwar, E., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/25/2015
Analysis of wave characteristics between cylindrical and Cartesian coordinate system-based structure using FDTD method Proceeding of the 2015 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, TSSA 2015 Shabrina, N.H., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/25/2015
Development of AVR microcontroller-based antenna measurement tool for student experimentation Proceeding of the 2015 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, TSSA 2015 Wibisono, M.A., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/25/2015
Effect of material thickness on resonance characteristics of anisotropic artificial circular dielectric resonator Proceeding of the 2015 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, TSSA 2015 Ludiyati, H., Suksmono, A.B., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/25/2015
Impedance matching circuit for 30-88MHz monopole antenna with automatic matching Proceeding of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015 Putra, A.P., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/17/2015
2-Stage microstrip combline BPF with capacitor chip incorporation Proceeding of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015 Boyando, B.S., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/17/2015
Compact antipodal Vivaldi printed antenna for ultra wideband application Proceeding of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015 Arono, R., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/17/2015
Characterization of circular spiral patch for wireless charging radiator Proceeding of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015 Vanindika, F., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/17/2015
Beam reconfiguration of capacitor-based square patch antenna array Proceeding of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015 Chairunnisa, Mulya, N.S., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/17/2015
Linear frequency modulated continuous wave radar using GNU radio and USRP Proceeding of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015 Saputera, Y.P., Herdiana, D., Madinawati, H., Suksmono, A.B., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/17/2015
Cylindrical coordinate system-based full wave FDTD computation for resonant frequency calculation of circular cavity resonator Proceeding of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015 Munir, A., Ranum, B.T. International Proceeding Author 11/17/2015
Development of radio telescope receiver based on GNU radio and USRP Proceeding of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015 Supriyatno, B.I., Hidayat, T., Susksmono, A.B., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/17/2015
Artificial dielectric material for lowering resonant frequency of microstrip circular patch antenna 2015 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ISPACS 2015 Hadiwijaya, A.G., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/09/2015
Stationary and moving targets detection on FMCW radar using GNU radio-based software defined radio 2015 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ISPACS 2015 Aulia, S., Suksmono, A.B., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/09/2015
Development of capacitor-based tunable frequency selective surface for wireless communication ICITACEE 2015 – 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering: Green Technology Strengthening in Information Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering Implementation, Proceedings Munir, A., Huring, A.M. International Proceeding Author 10/16/2015
Performance enhancement of directional coupler using split ring resonator ICITACEE 2015 – 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering: Green Technology Strengthening in Information Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering Implementation, Proceedings Rachmadini, V.N., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 10/16/2015
Compact SRR-based microstrip BPF for wireless communication ICITACEE 2015 – 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering: Green Technology Strengthening in Information Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering Implementation, Proceedings Aripin, Z., Kusnandar, Najmurrokhman, A., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 10/16/2015
Computational approach for resonant frequency calculation of coaxial cavity resonator using cylindrical coordinate system-based FDTD method 14th International Conference on QiR (Quality in Research), QiR 2015 – In conjunction with 4th Asian Symposium on Material Processing, ASMP 2015 and International Conference in Saving Energy in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ICSERA 2015 Munir, A., Edwar International Proceeding Author 08/13/2015
Characteristic of narrowband hairpin BPF as influence of number of its elements 14th International Conference on QiR (Quality in Research), QiR 2015 – In conjunction with 4th Asian Symposium on Material Processing, ASMP 2015 and International Conference in Saving Energy in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ICSERA 2015 Munir, A., Praludi, T. International Proceeding Author 08/13/2015
Interdigital capacitor structure-based conformal traveling wave active antenna for experimental rocket communication 14th International Conference on QiR (Quality in Research), QiR 2015 – In conjunction with 4th Asian Symposium on Material Processing, ASMP 2015 and International Conference in Saving Energy in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, ICSERA 2015 Santosa, C.E., Munir, A. International Proceeding Co-Author 08/13/2015
Characterization of Series Iteration Log-periodic Fractal Koch Printed Antenna Equipped with Balun Unit Journal of ICT Research and Applications Computer Science, Decision Sciences: Information System and Management, Enginerineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Achmad Munir, Dida Tuhu Putranto, Heroe Wijanto International Journal Author 12/31/2014
Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Seismo-ElectromagneticsPerturbation Using FDTD Method IJEEI -STEI ITB- Jurnal Vol. 6 No. 2, June 2014 Hendy Santosa1, Yasuhide Hobara2, and Achmad Munir3 International Journal Author 12/31/2014
Prediction Method for Rain Rate and Rain Propagation Attenuation for K-Band Satellite Communications Links in Tropical Areas Journal of ICT Research and Applications, ISSN: 2337-5787, E-ISSN: 2338-5499-Journal Vol. 8C No. 2, 2014 Baso Maruddani, Adit Kurniawan, Sugihartono & Achmad Munir International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2014
Radio frequency interference measurementsin Indonesia A survey to establish a radio astronomy observatory Exp Astron (2014) 37:85–108DOI 10.1007/s10686-013-9369-7 Taufiq Hidayat, Achmad Munir, Budi Dermawan, Anton Timur Jaelani, et al. International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2014
Rectangular to Parallel Plate Waveguide Transition and Its Tapering Effect for Microwave Devices Characterization IJEEI -STEI ITB- Jurnal Vol. 6 No. 1, March 2014 Achmad Munir1 International Journal Author 12/31/2014
Single Stage RF Amplifier with High Gain for 2.4GHz Receiver Front-Ends TELKOMNIKA, Vol.12, No.3, June 2014, pp. 711-716ISSN: 1693-6930, accredited A by DIKTI, Decree No: 58/DIKTI/Kep/2013DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v12i2.2058 Achmad Munir, Biru Tutur Ranum International Journal Author 12/31/2014
Characterization of 2 stage RF Power Amplifier for FMCW Radar Application 2014 IEEE Joint International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Second International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology24-25 November 2014, Bali, Indonesia, ISBN 978-1-4799-8477-IEEE Catalog Number: CFP14A95-CDR Achmad Munir Yudi and Yulius Maulana International Proceeding Author 12/31/2014
Numerical Analysis for Wave Propagation in Circular Waveguide Using Cylindrical Coordinate System-based FDTD Method The 2014 International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications August 20-21th, 2014 ISSN: 2337-5787 Rahmi Rahmatillah, Chairunnisa and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2014
Performance Enhancement of Coupled Microstrip Lines Using Split Ring Resonators 2014 IEEE Joint International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Second International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology24-25 November 2014, Bali, Indonesia, ISBN 978-1-4799-8477-IEEE Catalog Number: CFP14A95-CDR Achmad Munir and Lorenz Rullyna Ginting Soeka International Proceeding Author 12/31/2014
Transmission Loss Reduction of Circular Terahertz Waveguide Using Dielectric Lined Method International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 5 [3] 2013 Achmad Munir and Aryan Setiawan International Journal Author 12/31/2013
Analisis Numerik Struktur Metamaterial Berbasis Split Ring Resonator dan Wirestrip Prosiding Seminar Nasional Microwave, Antena dan Propagasi (SMAP) 2013, pp. 22 – 25, Okt. 2013. Achmad Munir National Journal Author 12/31/2013
Desain dan Realisasi Penguat Daya RF 2-Tingkatuntuk Aplikasi Radar FM-CW Prosiding Seminar Nasional Microwave, Antena dan Propagasi (SMAP) 2013, pp. 22 – 25, Okt. 2013. Achmad Munir National Journal Author 12/31/2013
Rancang Bangun Antena Mikrostrip Konformal Untuk Aplikasi Telemetri Roket Eksperimen, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Microwave, Antena dan Propagasi (SMAP) 2013, pp. 22 – 25, Okt. 2013. Achmad Munir National Journal Author 12/31/2013
Finite-difference time-domain method for seismo-electromagnetics modelling 2nd Asia-Pacific Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP) 2013 Proc., pp. 97-98, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Aug. 2013. Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
A Compact and high sensitivity amplifier for very low frequency receiver application International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC) 2013 Proc., pp. 222-223, Bali, Indonesia, Jan-Feb. 2013 Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
Bandwidth enhancement of ultra-wideband microstrip bandpass filter using defected ground structure, 13th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2013 Proc., pp. 150-154, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2013 Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
Barker code radar simulation for target range detection using software defined radio International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE) 2013 Proc., pp. 271-276, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Oktober 2013 Achmad Munir, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
Basic Theory of Artificial Circular Resonator Encapsulated in a Circular Waveguide and Its Theoretical Analysis 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME) Bandung, November 7-8, 2013 Hepi Ludiyati, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, and Ahmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
Characterization of ultra-wideband bandpass filter with balanced microstrip coupled-lines and dual open stubs perturbation 2nd Asia-Pacific Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP) 2013 Proc., pp. 97-98, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Aug. 2013. Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
Compact multilayer microstrip antenna with vertical transition for wireless communications 2nd Asia-Pacific Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP) 2013 Proc., pp. 97-98, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Aug. 2013. Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
Dual-band circular patch antenna incorporated with split ring resonators metamaterials ECTI-CON2013 Proc., pp. 1-4, Krabi, Thailand, May 2013 Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
Electronically programmable beam direction of array antennas based on microcontroller 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA) 2013 Proc., pp. 165-167, Bali, Indonesia, Aug. 2013. Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
High gain pie-shaped circular sector microstrip patch antenna array for weather radar application International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC) 2013 Proc., pp. 222-223, Bali, Indonesia, Jan-Feb. 2013 Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
High Gain Single Stage Amplifier with Wideband Characteristic for Wireless Communication The 4th International Conference of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics (ICEEI 2013), June 24-25 2013, Selangor, Malaysia Biru Tutur Ranum and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
Investigation of Dielectric-Lined for Transmission Loss Reductionof Optical Waveguide The 4th International Conference of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics (ICEEI 2013), June 24-25 2013, Selangor, Malaysia Hardi Nusantara, Aryan Setiawan, Chairunnisa, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
Low cost small antenna measurement tool based on ATMega8535 Microcontroller International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC) 2013 Proc., pp. 222-223, Bali, Indonesia, Jan-Feb. 2013 Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
Microstrip-based ultra-wideband composite BPF with short-circuited stubs, Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 15-17 May 2013 10th M. Ridwan Effendi,Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
Multiple slots technique for bandwidth enhancement of microstrip rectangular patch antenna 13th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2013 Proc., pp. 150-154, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2013 Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
Preliminary Study for Microwave Generator: Experimental Characterization of Stability of Distributed Feedback-based Laser Diode The 4th International Conference of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics (ICEEI 2013), June 24-25 2013, Selangor, Malaysia Iyon Titok Sugiarto, Bambang Widiyatmoko, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
Study of Lung and Heart Diagnosis Application Based on Frequency Separation of Breath Sound The 4th International Conference of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics (ICEEI 2013), June 24-25 2013, Selangor, Malaysia Muhammad Sukrisno Mardiyanto, Ria Lestari Moedomo, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2013
Two-stage Waveguide Bandpass Filter Composed of CircularDielectric Resonators The 4th International Conference of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics (ICEEI 2013), June 24-25 2013, Selangor, Malaysia Achmad Munir, Defanti Fajar Ludihargi International Proceeding Author 12/31/2013
2.1GHz CONFORMAL MICROSTRIP ANTENNA FOR AIR VEHICLE APPLICATION The 5th Indonesia-Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, pp. 516-519, Chiba, Japan, 25-26 October 2012 Cahya Edi Santosaab, Eka Kurnia Sari, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Artificial circular dielectric resonator with resonant mode selectability 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services and Applications (TSSA) 2012 Proc., pp. 335-338, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012.ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 R. H. Basuki, H. Ludiyati and A. Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
BANDWIDTH ENHANCEMENT AND SIZE REDUCTION OF WLAN PATCH ANTENNA USING METAMATERIALS The 5th Indonesia-Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, pp. 329-332, Chiba, Japan, 25-26 October 2012 Achmad Munir, Sutinah, Chairunnisa International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Bandwidth enhancement of artificial magnetic conductor-based microwave absorber using square patch corner cutting 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services and Applications (TSSA) 2012 Proc., pp. 210-214, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012.ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 A. Dewantari and A. Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
CAPACITOR-BASED RECONFIGURABLE FILTER FOR 2.4GHz WLAN, UWB, AND UPLINK GSM-900 The 5th Indonesia-Japan Joint Scientific Symposium,pp. 339-342, Chiba, Japan, 25-26 October 2012 Hardy Lukius, Mohammad Sigit Arifianto, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Cavity reflection-transmission-perturbation method for foliage relative permittivity measurement International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT) 2012 Proc., pp. 221-223, Singapore, Nov. 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2304-8 A. Munir, A. E. Prasetiadi and M. R. Effendi International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
CHARACTERISTIC OF PRINTED LOG-PERIODIC FRACTAL KOCH ANTENNA AS INFLUENCE OF NUMBER OF ITS ELEMENTS The 5th Indonesia-Japan Joint Scientific Symposium,pp. 524-527, Chiba, Japan, 25-26 October 2012 Achmad Munir, Dida Tuhu Putranto , Devy Freshiaa, Chairunnisaa International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Characterization of radar absorber based on square patch textured surface International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT) 2012 Proc., pp. 218-220, Singapore, Nov. 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2304-8 L. Olivia, A. Kurniawan, Sugihartono and A. Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Defected ground structure for bandwidth improvement of artificial magnetic conductor-based microwave absorber 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services and Applications (TSSA) 2012 Proc., pp. 200-203, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012.ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 I. P. Sari and A. Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Development of Rapid Damage Assessment Application for Disaster Management on Android Platform The 8 th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA 2012), pp. 73-76, Beijing, China, July 4-6, 2012 ISSN: 1975-4736 Jason Widagdo, Tutun Juhana, Eueung Mulyana, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Enhancement of printed log-periodic dipole array antenna performance using fractal Koch geometry 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS) 2012 Proc., Gold Coast, Australia, Dec. 2012. A. Munir, D. Freshia and Chairunnisa International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
G-patch dualband printed monopole antenna for GPS and WLAN application 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services and Applications (TSSA) 2012 Proc., pp. 237-240, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012.ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 N. Daniati, H. Nusantara and A. Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
High permittivity circular dielectric resonator for 2-stage narrowband bandpass filter 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services and Applications (TSSA) 2012 Proc., pp. 241-243, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012.ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 A. Munir and J. A. Sitorus International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Inductance and Capacitance Reformulation of Square Patch-based Artificial Magnetic Conductor 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services and Applications (TSSA) 2012 Proc., pp. 187-181, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012.ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
K-Band Rain Rate and Rain Attenuation Time Series Synthesizer Based on Hidden Markov Model for K-Band Satellite in Tropical Area The 7th International Conference on Telematics System, Services, and Applications (TSSA), 30-31 October 2012ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 Baso Maruddani, A. Kurniawan, Sugihartono, and Ahmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
LC reformulation of square patch-based artificial magnetic conductor 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services and Applications (TSSA) 2012 Proc., pp. 187-181, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012.ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 A. V. Suraperwata, L. Olivia and A. Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Mathematical morphology operations architecture on GPU using CUDA The 8 th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA 2012), pp. 29, Beijing, China, July 4-6, 2012 ISSN: 1975-4736 Y. S. Izmantoko, A. B. Suksmono, A. Munir and H. K. Choi International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2012
Shape enhancement and size reduction of UWB printed monopole antenna International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT) 2012 Proc., pp. 224-226, Singapore, Nov. 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2304-8 A. Munir, F. Oktafiani and A. Izzuddin International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Transmission Loss Minimization of Circular Waveguide at Terahertz Frequencies for Imaging Application The 8 th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA 2012), pp. 169-172, Beijing, China, July 4-6, 2012 ISSN: 1975-4736 Achmad Munir, Aryan Setiawan International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Utilization of artificial magnetic conductor bandwidth enhancement of square patch antenna 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services and Applications (TSSA) 2012 Proc., pp. 192-195, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012.ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 R. R. Ihsan and A. Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Wilkinson topology-based 1:6 power divider for L-band frequency application 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services and Applications (TSSA) 2012 Proc., pp. 215-217, Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 2012.ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 N. A. Pribawa and A. Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Characterization of circular patch microstrip antenna with dielectric resonator Seminar Nasional dan Expo Teknik Elektro (SNETE) 2012 Proc., pp. B1-B4, Medan, Nov. 2012.ISSN: 2088-9984 A. Munir, A. D. Setiawan and M. S. Arifianto National Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Karakterisasi bentuk patch material antideteksi radar berbasis teknologi textured surface Konferensi Nasional FORTEI (Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia) 2012 ke-6, hal. 17-19, Jakarta, Indonesia, Sep. 2012. ISSN: 2302-383X L. Olivia dan A. Munir National Proceeding Author 12/31/2012
Hybrid De-embedding Technique for Microwave Absorber Characterization TELKOMNIKA, lndonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering. April 2011 vol.9 No. 2 hal: 133-138. e-ISSN: 2087-278X (p-ISSN: 1693-6930) Achmad Munir International Journal Author 12/31/2011
Numerical Design of Ultra-Wideband Printed Antenna for Surface Penetrating Radar Application TELKOMNIKA, lndonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering. April 2011 vol.9 No. 2 hal: 341-350. e-ISSN: 2087-278X (p-ISSN: 1693-6930) Roy BVB Simorangkir and Achmad Munir International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2011
Rectangular to Circular Waveguide Converter for Microwave Devices Characterization International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics – Volume 3, Number 3, 2011 Achmad Munir and Muhammad Fathi Yakan Musthofa International Journal Author 12/31/2011
Self Oscillating Mixer with Dielectric Resonator for Low Noise Block Application TELKOMNIKA, lndonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering. April 2011 vol.9 No. 2 hal: 351-356. e-ISSN: 2087-278X (p-ISSN: 1693-6930) Achmad Munir and Endon Bharata International Journal Author 12/31/2011
Characterization of 4×4 High Gain Microstrip Array Antenna The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Application (TSSA),20-21 October 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1440-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1191P-PRT Tommy Reynalda, Achmad Munir, Endon Bharata International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Characterization of 50-5000MH2 UWB Printed Antennas with Different Number of Arms lnternational conference of IEEE Region 10 Asia Pacific. Bali – Indonesia, 21-24 November 2011 Achmad Munir and Ahmad lzzuddin International Proceeding Author 12/31/2011
Crosstalk Analysis of Parallel Microstrip Line Using 4-Port Scattering Model International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2011) 17-19 Juli 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0750-6, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1177H-PRT Indar Surahmat, Sugihartono, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Design of Rectangular to Circular Waveguide Converter for S-Band Frequency International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2011) 17-19 Juli 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0750-6, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1177H-PRT Muhammad Fathi Yakan Musthofa, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
GNU Radio Based Software-Defined FMCW Radar for Weather Surveillance Application The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Application (TSSA),20-21 October 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1440-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1191P-PRT Aditya Prabawa, Achmad Munir, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Microstrip Patch Antenna Miniaturization Using Artificial Magnetic Conductor The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Application (TSSA),20-21 October 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1440-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1191P-PRT Fahmi Rahmadani, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Mobile WiMax-based Communication Network Planning in Seribu Island by Utilizing Existing Towers The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Application (TSSA),20-21 October 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1440-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1191P-PRT Hardi Nusantara, Zaki Mujahid, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Numerical Characterization of Metamaterials-based Patch Antenna Array The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Application (TSSA),20-21 October 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1440-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1191P-PRT Achmad Munir and Sutinah International Proceeding Author 12/31/2011
Printed Multiband Antenna for Mobile and Wireless Communications The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Application (TSSA),20-21 October 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1440-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1191P-PRT Cecep Ginanjar Permana, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Relative Permittivity Characterization of Foliage Based on Rectangular Waveguide The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Application (TSSA),20-21 October 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1440-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1191P-PRT Ananto E.Prasetiadi, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Size Reduction of Compact Dual-Band Antenna Based on Metamaterial The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Application (TSSA),20-21 October 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1440-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1191P-PRT Muhammad Afif Gunung, Achmad Munir, Chairunnisa International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Size reduction of compact dual-band antenna based on metamaterials Proceedings of 2011 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications, TSSA 2011 Gunung, M.A., Munir, A., Chairunnisa, International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Unidirectional Broadband Microstrip Antenna for Through Walls Radar Application International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2011) 17-19 Juli 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0750-6, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1177H-PRT Tommi Hariyadi, Achmad Munir, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, Kusworo Adi, Antonius Darma Setiawan International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Desain Numerik Reflektor Planar dengan Jumlah Patch Terbatas pada Frekuensi S-Band Prosiding Seminar Radar Nasional 2011. Jakarta, 21 April 2011. ISSN 1979-2922 Endon Bharata, Achmad Munir National Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Experimental Characterization of 4.2GHz Collinear Antenna for Satellite Mobile Communication The 12th Seminar Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (SITIA) 2011 Rudi Ernanto, Achmad Munir, Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi Sumari National Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
Numerical Design of 3.3GHz High Gain Printed Dipole Antenna Array The 12th Seminar Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (SITIA) 2011 Achmad Munir, Shendiary Aviolanda, Endon Bharata National Proceeding Author 12/31/2011
Pengaruh Cavity terhadap Performansi Antena Cetak UWB pada Aplikasi Radar Penembus Permukaan Prosiding Seminar Radar Nasional 2011. Jakarta, 21 April 2011. ISSN 1979-2921 Achmad Munir dan Roy BVB Simorangkir National Proceeding Author 12/31/2011
Perancangan secara Numerik Modul Pembagi Daya untuk Pencatuan Antena Susun 2-4GHz pada Aplikasi Sistem Radar Prosiding Seminar Radar Nasional 2011. Jakarta, 21 April 2011. ISSN 1979-2921 Endon Bharata, Achmad Munir National Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2011
2.4GHz antenna system with signal autotracking for rural area application Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC) 2010 Proc., Jakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2010. (11 – 12 Juni 2010) G. M. Aji and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Analysis of dielectric material property based on rectangular waveguide method 11th Seminar of Intelligent Technology and Its Application (SITIA) 2010 Proc., pp. 486-490, Surabaya, Indonesia, Oct. 2010. (9 Oktober 2010) M. R. Effendi, Chairunnisa and A. Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Analysis of step-tapered transition to solve impedance matching problem in parallel-plate waveguide Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC) 2010 Proc., Jakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2010. (11 – 12 Juni 2010) A. E. Prasetiadi, Sugihartono, A. Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Characterization of microwave thin radar absorber composed of hexagonal patch array 28th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2010 Proc., Cambridge, USA, Jul. 2010. (5 – 8 Juli 2010) L. Olivia, F. Kurniasih and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Characterization of two-stage ultra-wideband BPF based on inverted-F structure 11th Seminar of Intelligent Technology and Its Application (SITIA) 2010 Proc., pp. 678-681, Surabaya, Indonesia, Oct. 2010. (9 Oktober 2010) Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2010
Characterization of unit cell element of planar microstrip reflectarray antenna based on AMC Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC) 2010 Proc., Jakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2010. (11 – 12 Juni 2010) D. Natasia, D. Mandaris, Iskandar and A. Munir, International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Compact Dual Band Inverted-F Antenna (IFA) for 2.3GHz and 3.3GHz WiMAX Application 4th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium 2010, Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali 30 Sept 2010 – 1 Oktober 2010 M. Napitupulu, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Design and Simulation of A Stepped-Frequency Continous-Wave Radar for Trough-Wall Applications International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 11th Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application (SITIA) 2010, 10 Oktober 2010 Tommi Hariyadi, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, Endon Bharata, Achmad Munir, Kusworo Adi International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Design of 4.2 GHz Gain Collinear Antenna for CMOV/COMOB Application 5th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communication, Control and Informatics Seminar 2010, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, 16-17 Desember 2010 Rudi Ernanto, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Investigation of arms dimension of 50 5000 MHz UWB printed octopus-type antenna for SFCW GPR application Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC) 2010 Proc., Jakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2010. (11 – 12 Juni 2010) R. BVB Simorangkir, A. Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2010
Normal mode bifilar helical antenna for 3.3 GHz WiMAX application Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC) 2010 Proc., Jakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2010. (11 – 12 Juni 2010) Hermanto and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Numerical Investigation of Characteristic of BTS Tower Antenna Camouflage Material 5th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communication, Control and Informatics Seminar 2010, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, 16-17 Desember 2010 Achmad Munir, Mangasi Napitupulu, Denny Seatiawan International Proceeding Author 12/31/2010
Parametrical study of Microwave Radar Absorber Loaded with Varactor Diode 4th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium 2010, Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali 30 Sept 2010 – 1 Oktober 2010 Achmad Munir, L. Olivia, Chairunnisa International Proceeding Author 12/31/2010
Printed dipole antenna with Marchand balun for 3.3 GHz WiMAX application Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC) 2010 Proc., Jakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2010. (11 – 12 Juni 2010) S. Aviolanda, E. Bharata, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Rain fade modelling using hidden Markov model for tropical area 28th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2010 Proc., Cambridge, USA, Jun. 2010. (5 – 8 Juli 2010) B. Maruddani, A. Kurniawan, Sugihartono and A. Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Study of Network Planning Based on WiMAX Technology in Seribu Island International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 11th Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application (SITIA) 2010, 10 Oktober 2010 Hardi Nusantara, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Study on microstrip patch antenna based on metamaterials Indonesia-Malaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC) 2010 Proc., Jakarta, Indonesia, Jun. 2010. (11 – 12 Juni 2010) Sutinah and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Two-Stage Ultra-Wideband Inverted-F Band-Stop Filter International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 11th Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application (SITIA) 2010, 10 Oktober 2010 Achmad Munir International Proceeding Author 12/31/2010
Varactor Diode-based Tunable Microwave Radar Absorber Composed of Hexagonal Patch Array 2010 AOTULE Postgraduate Conference, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1 – 2 November 2010 L. Olivia, A. Munir, A. Kurniawan, Sugihartono International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Analisa karakteristik patch heksagonal pada beberapa jenis substrat dielektrik yang berbeda untuk aplikasi microwave radar absorber Prosiding Seminar Radar Nasional (SRN) IV 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Apr. 2010. (28 – 29 April 2010) F. Kurniasih, A. Munir National Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Analisa Numerik Karakteristik Refleksi dan Transmisi dari Material Artificial Dielectric Seminar Radar Nasional IV 2010, 28-29 April di AAU Yogyakarta Achmad Munir National Proceeding Author 12/31/2010
Antena mikrostrip pita lebar bentuk T untuk aplikasi radar penembus dinding Prosiding Seminar Radar Nasional (SRN) IV 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Apr. 2010. (28 – 29 April 2010) T. Hariadi, A. Munir, E. Bharata, A. B. Suksmono, K. Adi, A. D. Setiawan dan D. Danudirdjo National Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Pemodelan Kanal Fading Hujan untuk Aplikasi Radar Ka-band dengan Model Markov Tersembunyi Prosiding Seminar Radar Nasional (SRN) IV 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Apr. 2010. (28 – 29 April 2010) B. Maruddani, Adit Kurniawan, Sugihartono, Achmad Munir National Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Pengembangan Teknik De-embedding untuk Pengolahan Data Karakterisasi Material Microwave Radar Absorber Seminar Radar Nasional IV 2010, 28-29 April di AAU Yogyakarta Achmad Munir, Sugihartono National Proceeding Author 12/31/2010
Characterisation of microwave phaseconjugate signal generation using nonlinearly loaded wire frequency selective surface (FSS) IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 834-842, Aug. 2009. V. Fusco A. Munir O. Malyuskin International Journal Co-Author 12/31/2009
Characterization of Switchable Substrateless Frequency Selective Surfaces International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics – Volume 1, Number 1, 2009 Achmad Munir, Vincent Fusco International Journal Author 12/31/2009
Effect of surface resistor loading on high impedance surface radar absorber return loss and bandwidth Microwave and Optical Tech. Lett., vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 1773-1775, Jul. 2009. A. Munir and V. Fusco International Journal Author 12/31/2009
Analysis Study of Transducer Portand Coaxial Port Excitations for Parallel Plate Waveguide Simulator The 5th International Conference TSSA 2009 Ananto E. Prasetiadi and Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2009
Investigation of Microwave Radar Absorber Characteristics with Reduction of Loaded External Surface Elements The 5th International Conference TSSA 2009 Frida Kurniasih, Achmad Munir International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2009
Experimental Investigation of Conversion Loss of Phase Conjugate FSS ISAP 2009 di Bangkok Thailand, 20 – 23 Oktober 2009 Achmad Munir, Vincent Fusco International Proceeding Author 12/31/2009
Return Loss Enhancement ofSurface Resistors Loaded Microwave Radar Absorber 2009 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) Proc., pp. 2629-2632, Singapore, Dec. 2009. (7-10 December 2009) Achmad Munir, Vincent Fusco, Chairunnisa International Proceeding Author 12/07/2009
Frequency selective surface with dual band switchable reflection and transmission Microwave and Optical Tech. Lett., vol. 51, no. 9, pp. 2059-2061, Sep. 2009. A. Munir and V. Fusco International Journal Author 09/01/2009
QPSK Reflector Based on Textured Surface Technology International Conference on Electrical Engineering nad Informatics 2009 (ICEEI 2009) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi Selangor 5-7 Agustus 2009 Achmad Munir, Vincent Fusco International Proceeding Author 08/05/2009
Dual Band Switchable Substrateless Frequency Selective Surfaces International Conference on Electrical Engineering nad Informatics 2009 (ICEEI 2009) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi Selangor 5-7 Agustus 2009 Achmad Munir, Vincent Fusco International Proceeding Author 08/05/2009
Planar two-bit phase encoded transpolarising reflector using textured surface technology 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) Proc., pp. 1386-1389, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009. (23-27 March 2009) V. Fusco, A. Munir and M. Euler, International Proceeding Co-Author 03/23/2009

Nama Proyek Peranan Tahun Pemberi project
The 2nd International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT 2016) Leader 2,016 Institut Teknologi Bandung
WCU LN – Antena Cetak Susun dengan Sidelobe Rendah Berbasis Metoda Dolph-Chebyshev Power Distribution untuk Aplikasi Radar Leader 2,016 Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia
Pengembangan Portable Surface Penetrating Radar Berbasis Stepped Frequency Continues-Wave untuk Aplikasi Sipil dan Hankam Leader 2,016 Kementrian Negara Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia
Pengukuran Radiasi Gelombang Elektromagnetik dari Pemancar Radio di Lingkungan Menara Imperium Leader 2,015 Perhimpunan Penghuni Menara Imperium
Desain Material Dielektrik Artifisial dengan Permitivitas Anisotropik dan Komputasi Numeriknya Berbasis Metode FDTD Leader 2,015 Institut Teknologi Bandung
Pengukuran EMF Site Dumai Riau Leader 2,014 Indosat Tbk, PT.
Pengembangan Software Defined Radar untuk Edukasi dan Hankam Leader 2,014 Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat DIKTI KEMDIKBUD RI
Pemodelan Seismo-Electromagnetics Pertubation dengan Metode FDTD untuk Analisa Earthquake Precurson Leader 2,013 Institut Teknologi Bandung
Miniaturisasi dan Peningkatan Performansi Antena Mikrostrip Menggunakan Artificial Magnetic Conductor Leader 2,012 Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat DIKTI KEMDIKBUD RI
Peningkatan Efisiensidan Pengurangan Dimensi FIsik Antena UWB Monopol Cetak untuk Aplikasi Surface Penetrating Radar Leader 2,012 Institut Teknologi Bandung
Program Dikbangspes Teknologi Komunikasi Tahun Anggaran 2012 Leader 2,012 Pusat Pendidikan Administrasi Lembaga Pendidikan POLRI
Pengembangan dan Realisasi Antena Ultra-Wide Band untuk Aplikasi Radar Tomografi 3-Dimensi Penembus Permukaan Leader 2,011 Institut Teknologi Bandung
Desain dan Realisasi Antena Log Periodec Fractal untuk Palikasi Land Radar FMCW Leader 2,011 Asahi Glass Foundation, The
Tunable Microwave Radar Absorber Using Textured Surface Technology Leader 2,010 Institut Teknologi Bandung
Planar Microstrip Reflectary Antenna for Direct Broadcast Satellite Application Leader 2,010 Asahi Glass Foundation, The

Nama penghargaan Diberikan oleh Tingkat Tanggal menerima penghargaan Referensi
Dosen Berprestasi Tahun 2012 ITB National 07/26/2012 175/SK/I1.A/KP/2012
Nama Semester SKS Peranan
EL5156:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio II-2014/2015 2 Core
EL5068:Devais Sistem Radar II-2014/2015 2 Core
ET2006:Elektronika Komunikasi II-2014/2015 3 Core
ET3006:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio II-2014/2015 3 Core
ET2200:Praktikum Telekomunikasi 2 II-2014/2015 1 Core
EL5254:Metoda Komputasi Gelombang Mikro II-2014/2015 2 Core
EL5090:Metoda Penelitian II-2014/2015 3 Core
EL5090:Metoda Penelitian I-2014/2015 3 Core
EL5056:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio Lanjut I-2014/2015 2 Core
EL5156:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio I-2014/2015 2 Core
ET3006:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio I-2014/2015 3 Core
ET4056:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio Lanjut I-2014/2015 3 Core
ET2100:Praktikum Telekomunikasi 1 I-2014/2015 1 Core
EL5254:Metoda Komputasi Gelombang Mikro II-2013/2014 2 Core
ET2200:Praktikum Telekomunikasi 2 II-2013/2014 1 Core
EL5156:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio II-2013/2014 2 Core
ET3006:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio II-2013/2014 3 Core
EL5068:Devais Sistem Radar II-2013/2014 2 Core
EL5055:Elektromagnetika I-2013/2014 2 Core
ET3100:Praktikum Telekomunikasi 3 I-2013/2014 1 Core
EL5056:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio Lanjut I-2013/2014 2 Core
ET4056:Elektronika Frekuensi Radio Lanjut I-2013/2014 3 Core
ET4067:Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro II 2-2012/2013 3 Core
Desain Rangkaian RF Berbantuan Komputer 2-2012/2013 2 Core
EL2090:Medan Elektromagnetik 2-2012/2013 3 Core
ET3086:Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 2-2012/2013 3 Core
ET3280:Praktikum Teknik Telekomunikasi II 2-2012/2013 1 Core
ET3086:Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 1-2012/2013 3 Core
Elektromagnetika 1-2012/2013 2 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro II 1-2012/2013 2 Core
ET4067:Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro II 1-2012/2013 3 Core
EL2090:Medan Elektromagnetik 2-2011/2012 3 Core
Desain Rangkaian RF Berbantuan Komputer 2-2011/2012 2 Core
ET3280:Praktikum Teknik Telekomunikasi II 2-2011/2012 1 Core
ET3086:Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 2-2011/2012 3 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro II 1-2011/2012 3 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 1-2011/2012 2 Core
ET3086:Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 1-2011/2012 3 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro II 1-2011/2012 2 Core
Desain Rangkaian RF Berbantuan Komputer 2-2010/2011 2 Core
ET3086:Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 2-2010/2011 3 Core
Sistem Observasi 2-2010/2011 2 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 2-2010/2011 2 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 1-2010/2011 3 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro II 1-2010/2011 3 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 2-2009/2010 2 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro II 2-2009/2010 2 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 2-2009/2010 3 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro 1-2009/2010 3 Core
Elektronika Komunikasi & Gelombang Mikro II 1-2009/2010 3 Core

Title Start Finish Seq
Analisis Rugi-Rugi Transmisi pada THz Circular Waveguide Berbasis Metode FDTD 08/01/2015 03/14/2016 1
Rancang Bangun Pemancar FMCW Synthetic Aperture Radar untuk Aplikasi Penginderaan Jarak Jauh 08/01/2015 03/14/2016 1
Implementasi Metode Interpolasi Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Citra Hasil Deteksi Ground Penetrating Radar 08/01/2015 03/14/2016 2
Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Shorting Pin Terhadap Pola Radiasi Antena Cetak Mikrostrip Square Patch 01/01/2015 06/23/2015 1
Karakterisasi Material Dielektrik Anisotropis Buatan Berdimensi Tipis Menggunakan Rectangular Waveguide 01/01/2015 06/24/2015 1
Perhitungan Permitivitas dan Permeabilitas Material Dielektrik Artifisial Dalam Bumbung Gelombang Persegi dengan Metode Retrieval 01/01/2015 09/29/2015 1
Pengaruh Penggunaan Split Ring Resonator Terhadap Performansi Directional Coupler 01/01/2015 06/23/2015 1
Pengaruh Penggunaan Material Dielektrik Artifisial Terhadap Penurunan Frekuensi Kerja Antena Mikrostrip 01/01/2015 06/23/2015 1
Karakterisasi Radiator Wireless Charging Cetak Berbentuk Spiral Lingkaran 01/01/2015 06/23/2015 1
Antena Cetak Pita Lebar Frekuensi 1 GHz- 3,5 GHz Untuk Aplikasi Radar 01/01/2015 06/23/2015 1
Analisis Perbandingan Karakteristik Gelombang Pada Bidang Kartesian Dan Silinder Berbasis Metode FDTD 01/01/2015 06/23/2015 1
Pengembangan Sistem Pengisian Daya Perangkat Bergerak Secara Nirkabel 08/01/2014 03/09/2015 1
Antena Cetak Dual Band Terbuat dari Patch Segi Empat dan Split Ring Resonator Untuk Aplikasi GPS dan WLAN 08/01/2014 03/09/2015 1
Rangkaian Penyesuai Impedansi untuk Antena Monopol 30-88 MHz dengan Automatic Matching 08/01/2014 03/10/2015 1
Perancangan dan Fabrikasi Penyerap Gelombang Elektromagnetik Menggunakan Teknik Permukaan Bertekstur 06/01/2014 12/19/2014 3
Karakterisasi Material Dielektrik di Dalam Bumbung Gelombang Silinder Dengan Metode FDTD Berbasis Koordinat Silinder 01/01/2014 09/29/2014 1
Analisis Pemodelan Perambatan Gelombang Pada Bumbung Gelombang Lingkaran Dengan Metode FDTD Berbasis Koordinat Silinder 01/01/2014 06/24/2014 1
Filter Planar Berbasis Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) Menggunakan Strip Slotted-Line 01/01/2014 06/24/2014 1
Karakterisasi Material Artifisial 3D Menggunakan Bumbung Gelombang Persegi 01/01/2014 06/24/2014 1
Karakterisasi Material Dielektrik Buatan Berdimensi Tipis Pada S-Band Menggunakan Rectangular Waveguide 01/01/2014 06/24/2014 1
Metoda Finite-Difference Time-Dominan Untuk Analisis Propagasi Gelombang pada Bumbung Gelombang Persegi Dengan Sisipan Material Anistropik 01/01/2014 06/26/2014 1
Pengaruh Penambahan Split Ring Resonator Terhadap Karakteristik Coupled Microstrip Lines 01/01/2014 06/24/2014 1
Pengaruh Penggunaan Split Ring Resonator Terhadap Karakteristik Bandpass Filter 01/01/2014 06/24/2014 1
Penggeser Fasa Terprogram pada Pembagi Daya Antena 16 Port 01/01/2014 06/26/2014 1
Penguat RF Berpenguatan Tinggi Untuk Aplikasi Penerima Gelombang VLF 01/01/2014 06/24/2014 1
Pengurangan Dimensi Antena Planar Inverted-F Dengan Teknik Modifikasi Geometri Patch Untuk Implan Biomedis 01/01/2014 06/24/2014 1
Radiator Energi Untuk Aplikasi Wireless Charging Berbasis Resonansi Coupling Elektromagnetik 01/01/2014 06/24/2014 1
Perancangan Sistem Teleskop Radio Berbasiskan USRP dan GNU Radio 08/01/2013 03/18/2014 2
Antena Mikrostrip Susun Aktif2.35 GHz Berbentuk Silinder Dengan Struktur Interdigital Capacitor 01/01/2013 06/24/2013 1
Aplikasi Defected Grond Structure Untuk Memperlebar Bandwidth Bandpass Filter Mikrostrip 01/01/2013 06/25/2013 1
Miniaturisasi Frequency-Selective Surpaces untuk Frekuensi 2,4 GHz 01/01/2013 06/25/2013 1
Pengembangan Filter Bandpass Mikrostrip Dengan Struktur Hairpin dan Fraktal 01/01/2013 06/24/2013 1
Penggeser Fasa untuk Rangkaian Pencatu Antena Susun 8 Elemen Berbasis Kapasitor 01/01/2013 06/25/2013 1
Penguat Penerima Satu Tingkat Dengan Gain Tinggi Untuk Aplikasi WLAN 2,4 GHz 01/01/2013 06/25/2013 1
Reconfigurable Beam Dan Polarisasi Patch Antena Berbasis Kapasitor Untuk Aplikasi WLAN 2,4 GHz 01/01/2013 06/25/2013 1
Reconfigurable Beam Pada Antena Array Mikrostrip Menggunakan Kapasitor Untuk Aplikasi WLAN 2,4 GHz 01/01/2013 06/25/2013 1
Tunability dan Stabilitas Sumber Gelombang Mikro Berbasis Dioda Laser Dengan Teknik Heterodyne 01/01/2013 06/24/2013 1
Efek Penambahan Jumlah Elemen BPF Microstrip Combline Terhadap Karakteristiknya 01/01/2013 10/01/2013 1
Desain dan Realisasi Penguat Pemancar Gelombang Mikro 2-Tingkat Untuk Aplikasi Radar FM-CW 01/01/2013 10/01/2013 1
Aplikasi Frequency-Selective Surfaces Sebagai Filter Planar Untuk Mengontrol Frekuensi Antena 01/01/2013 10/01/2013 1
Pengembangan Low Noise Amplifiers 3 GHz 2-Tingkat Dengan Teknik Non Simulataneous Conjugate Match 01/01/2013 10/01/2013 1
Pemodelan Seismo Electromagnetics Menggunakan Metode Finite-Difference Time – Domain 08/01/2012 03/18/2013 1
Metode Prediksi dan Teknik Mitigasi Redaman Propagasi Hujan Menggunakan Hidden Markov Model pada Kanal Satelit Pita-K di Daerah Tropis 08/01/2012 03/28/2013 2
Waveguide Bandpass Filter Pita Sempit Berbasiskan Resonator Dielektrik 08/01/2012 03/19/2013 1
Antena Susun 2,35 GHz Menggunakan Struktur Interdigital Capacitor 08/01/2012 03/19/2013 1
Alat Bantu Pengukuran Parameter Medan Jauh Antena Kecil Berbasis Mikrokontroler 08/01/2012 03/19/2013 1
Antena Susun Dengan Patch Berbentuk Juring Untuk Aplikasi Radar Cuaca 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Artificial Circular Dielectric Resonator Berbasis circular Waveguide 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Peningkatan Bandwidth Microwave Absorber Berbasis Defected Ground Structure 01/01/2012 10/02/2012 1
Faktor Koreksi Untuk Formula Induktansi Dan Kapasitansi Pada Artificial Magnetic Conductor Berbasis Patch Persegi 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Peningkatan Bandwidth Microwave Absorber Berbasis Artificial Magnetic Conductor Dengan Pemotongan Bagian Pojok Patch Persegi 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Peningkatan Performansi anena Patch Persegi Dengan Artificial Magnetic Conductor 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Wideband Microstrip Bandpass Filter Dengan Metode Coupled Line 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Analisis Parameter Transmisi Waveguide Lingkaran Pada Frekuensi Terahertz 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Antena Mikrostrip Multilayer Untuk Aplikasi WLAN 01/01/2012 06/26/2012 1
Pengujian dan Analisa Sistem Radar FMCW Berbasis Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) dan GNU Radio 01/01/2012 10/01/2012 2
Pembagi Daya 1 : 6 Pita L Untuk Aplikasi Pencatuan Antena Susun 01/01/2012 10/02/2012 1
Karakterisasi Metamaterial Pada Antena Path Sirkular untuk Frekuensi 2.4 Ghz dan 3.3 GHz. 08/01/2011 03/20/2012 1
Antena Monopol Dualband 1,6 GHz dan 2,4 GHz Berbentuk G-Patch 08/01/2011 03/20/2012 1
Otomatisasi Direktivitas Antena Outdoor untuk Aplikasi Wireless Local Area Network 08/01/2011 03/19/2012 1
Pengaruh Dielectric Resonator Pada Circular Patch Microstrip Antenna Frekuensi 6 GHz. 08/01/2011 03/20/2012 1
Reconfigurable Filter untuk 2.4 GHz WLAN, UWB, dan UPLINK GSM-900 Menggunakan Kapasitor 08/01/2011 03/20/2012 1
Teknik Pelebaran Bandwidth Antena Mikrostrip Menggunakan Slot untuk Aplikasi GPS 08/01/2011 03/20/2012 1
Desain dan Realisasi Perangkat Pengubah Bumbung Gelombang Persegi ke Lingkaran untuk Frekuensi S Band 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Desain dan Implementasi Frame Builder Sisi Transmitter Base Station Standar IEEE 802.16d 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Implementasi Band Pass Filter Menggunakan Dielektrik Rosantor 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Karakterisasi Penguat Daya Rendah dan Analisis Performansi untuk Aplikasi WLAN 2,4 GHz 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Karakterisasi Percakapan Silang Dalam Saluran Mikrostrip Paralel Melalui Pengukuran Parameter S 4 Port 01/01/2011 10/11/2011 2
Miniaturisasi Patch Antena Mikrostrip Menggunakan Artificial Magnetic Conductor 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Pengaruh Iterasi Fraktal Koch Terhadap Kinerja Antena Log Periodic Dipole Array 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Pengembangan UWB BPF Komposit 2-11 GHz Berbasiskan Teknologi Mikrostrip 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Pengurangan Dimensi Fisik Antena Cetak Dual Band Berbasiskan Metamaterial 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Perencanaan Jaringan Telekomunikasi Nirkawat Untuk Kepulauan Seribu Berbasis Standar IEEE 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX) 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 2
Realisasi dan Karakterisisai Antena Susun Mikrostrip 4×4 Berpenguatan Tinggi untuk Aplikasi BTS WiMAX 3,3 GHz 01/01/2011 10/13/2011 1
Antena Cetak Multiband untuk Aplikasi Komunikasi Nirkawat 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Perancangan dan Realisasi Reflektor Planar Berbasis Artificial Magnetic Conductor (AMC) pada Frekuensi S-Band 01/01/2011 09/30/2011 1
Modifikasi Dimensi dan Karakterisasi Lengan Antena Cetak UWB pada Frekuensi 50-5000 MHz 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Peningkatan Performasi Efisiensi dan Dimensi Antena Cetak Monopole UWB 50-5000 MHz untuk Aplikasi Surface Penetrating Radar 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Perancangan dan Realisasi Reflektor Sudut untuk aplikasi Alat Bantu sistem Navigasi Kapal 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Studi Awal Radar FMCW Berbasis GNU Radio dan USRP N210 untuk Pengamatan Cuaca 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Karakterisasi Permitivitas Relatif Dedaunan Berbasis Rectangular Waveguide 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Desain dan Realisasi Antena Kolinier 4,2 GHz untuk Aplikasi Downlink CMOB/COMOB 01/01/2011 06/28/2011 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Software Frame Provision untuk Scheduler pada Mac CPS sisi Transmitter pada Base Station Fixed Wimax 08/01/2010 03/22/2011 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi MAC CS dan CPS Buffer pada Base Station untuk Jaringan Fixed WiMAX 08/01/2010 03/22/2011 1
Desain, SImulasi, dan Realisasi Antena Dipol Cetak 3,3 GHz untuk Aplikasi BTS WiMAX 01/01/2010 10/05/2010 2
Inverted-F DualBand compact Antenna untuk Aplikasi WIMAX 2,3 GHz dan 3,3 GHz 01/01/2010 10/05/2010 1
Perancangan, Implementasi, dan Pengujian MAC CPS pada Sisi Transmitter dari Subscriber Station WiMAX 01/01/2010 10/05/2010 1
Verifikasi Rancangan dan Karakterisasi Down Converter IC LT5557 01/01/2010 10/05/2010 2
01/01/2010 10/05/2010 2
Perancangan IT Strategic Planning pada Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia Menggunakan Metodologi Enterprise Architecture Planning Togaf (Studi Kasus: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) 01/01/2010 06/28/2010 2
Studi Karakteristik Reflektor Planar Berbasis Artificial Magnetik Conductor pada S-Band 01/01/2010 06/29/2010 1
Antena Mikrostrip UWB Kompak 50-5000 MHz untuk Aplikasi SFCW GPR 01/01/2010 06/29/2010 1
Antena Bifilar Helix Mode Normal untuk Aplikasi WIMAX 3.3 GHz 01/01/2010 06/29/2010 1
Analisis Pengunaan Step Taper pada Simulator Parallel Plate Waveguide untuk Karakterisasi Perangkat Gelombang Mikro 01/01/2010 06/29/2010 1
Analisis Karakteristik Antena Microstrip-Patch Berbasis Metamaterial 01/01/2010 06/29/2010 1
Analisa Karakteristik Microwave Absorber Berbasis Artificial Magnetic Conductor dengan Patch Berbentuk Heksagonal 01/01/2010 06/29/2010 1
Perancangan dan Implementasi Resinkronisasi pada Software Automatic Repeat Request untuk MAC Layer WiMAX 08/01/2009 03/23/2010 1