


Nama publikasi Penerbit Pengarang Tipe Peranan Tanggal terbit
Design and Realization of Multi-Wide-Band FMCW Radar for Educational Purpose 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications, October 6-7, 2016, Bali, Indonesia Andriyan B. Suksmono, Donny Danudirdjo, Dodi Zulherman, Tommi Haryadi, Rizki Putra Prastio International Proceeding Co-Author 10/06/2016
InSAR image regularization and DEM error correction with fractal surface scattering model IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Vol.53 Issue.3 Danudirdjo, D., Hirose, A. International Journal Author 12/31/2015
An Efficient Audio Watermark by Autocorrelation Methods. ICEEI 2015 Habibur Muhaimin, Donny Danudirdjo, Dong‐Hwan Shin and Andriyan Bayu Suksmono International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
A Prototype of Compact Digital Holographic Microscope with Mach Zehnder Configuration ICIC-BME 2015 D. Zulherman, U. Bambang, D. Danudirdjo, Andriyan B. Suksmono International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Initial Estimation of Landmark Location for Automated Cephalometric Analysis Using Template Matching Method ICIC-BME 2015 I.P. Sari, R. Widayati, M. Priaminiarti, D. Danudirdjo, Tati L.R. Mengko International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
Anisotropic Phase Unwrapping for Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Danudirdjo, D., Hirose, A. International Journal Author 12/31/2015
An efficient audio watermark by autocorrelation methods Proceedings – 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics: Bridging the Knowledge between Academic, Industry, and Community, ICEEI 2015 Muhaimin, H., Danudirdjo, D., Suksmono, A.B., Shin, D.-H. International Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2015
A prototype of compact digital holographic microscope with Mach-Zehnder configuration Proceedings – 2015 4th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering, ICICI-BME 2015 Zulherman, D., Bambang, U., Danudirdjo, D., Suksmono, A.B. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/02/2015
Initial estimation of landmark location for automated cephalometric analysis using template matching method Proceedings – 2015 4th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering, ICICI-BME 2015 Sari, I.P., Widayati, R., Priaminiarti, M., Danudirdjo, D., Mengko, T.L. International Proceeding Co-Author 11/02/2015
Antena mikrostrip pita lebar bentuk T untuk aplikasi radar penembus dinding Prosiding Seminar Radar Nasional (SRN) IV 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Apr. 2010. (28 – 29 April 2010) T. Hariadi, A. Munir, E. Bharata, A. B. Suksmono, K. Adi, A. D. Setiawan dan D. Danudirdjo National Proceeding Co-Author 12/31/2010
Title Start Finish Seq
Deteksi Titik Pedoman Sefalometri secara Otomatis dengan Metode Template Matching 01/01/2015 06/24/2015 2
Prototipe Mikroskop Holografi Digital Kompak dengan Konfigurasi Mach-Zehnder 01/01/2015 06/24/2015 2