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PLO STEI ITB Angkatan 2008: Membina Individu yang Unik, Visoner, dan Kolaboratif

Mencetak Generasi Pemimpin: Membina Individu yang Unik, Visioner, dan Kolaboratif merupakan visi dan pedoman dari kegiatan Profession and Leadership Orientation Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (PLO STEI) ITB Angkatan 2008. Kegiatan yang dikhususkan bagi mahasiswa STEI angkatan 2008 ini merupakan hasil kerjasam dari dua himpunan yakni HME (Himpunan Mahasiswa Elektro) dan HMIF (Himpunan Mahasiswa Informatika). Sesuai dengan visinya, diharapkan dari kegiatan ini dapat menghasilkan profil generasi pemimpin yang unik, visioner, dan kolaboratif.

Rector said “Electrical Engineering Students are The Best”

Prof. Djoko Santoso, rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung said that Students of Electrical Engineering are The Best in ITB. This statement was said in formal ceremony and delivery of pico-hydro power plant that has been built by students of Electrical Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technolog in Ciparanje River in Awilegga, Garut, West Java to villagers.

Monitoring and Evaluation of ITB Research

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Thursday, November 13th, 2008, placed at the Grand Aquila Hotel, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ITB and Information and Communication Technology Research Center (PPTIK) ITB, collaborated with the LPPM ITB, held the Seminar of Monitoring and Evaluation of ITB Research 2008. The aim of this seminar is monitoring and evaluation research activities in SSEI and PPTIK ITB area.

10 Years Information Technology Education in ITB

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December 2nd – 3rd, 2008, placed in the SABUGA, 4th floor, Information Technology Research Division of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI) ITB held the Seminar with the theme is ICT Innovation in development “C Generation” which creative and worth. “C Generation” can be mean as a new generation that be symbolized by Connection, Convergence, Collaboration, Content Creative, and Contextual.

STT PLN Students Visited to SEEI ITB

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December 4th, 2008, placed in the Multimedia Room, Labtek VIII Building 2nd floor, Electrical Engineering Students of STT (Sekolah Tinggi Teknik) PLN visited to School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI) ITB, especially Electrical Engineering Study Program. They were companied by 2 Lecturers of STT PLN.

SEEI presentation was presented by Ir. Nanang Haryanto, MT. He is one of SEEI Lecturer who joined in Electrical Power Engineering Research Division. After the presentation, was closed by a discussion session who moderated by Bayu Setyolaksono (SEEI Subdivision Head of Information Systems). There were many questions from STT PLN Students. The one of it is about the scholarship.

International Seminar on Command, Control, Communication, Computers, and Intelligent (C4I) Research in Seoul, South Korea

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On November 13, 2008, Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Prof.Dr.Ir. Adang Suwandi Ahmad together with his Doctoral student, Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi Sumari [33207305] were invited by Graduate School of Information dan Communication Technology, Ajou University of Suwon, South Korea to present their present research in International Seminar on Command, Control, Communication, Computers, and Intelligent (C4I) Research in Seoul, South Korea.