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Graduation Ceremony

Regarding to graduation ceremony of teh students of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI ITB) October 2008, we hope your present on Thrusday, October 23 2008 at 10.00 – 13.00 in SEEI LABTEK V building, 2nd floor.

The graduation ceremony will be inserted discussion among dean, head of study program, lecturers, and the candidates of graduation students of SEEI. We expect this discussion gives input for SEEI better.


Malaysian Institute of Microelectronics System (MIMOS) is one of the research institutions that receive subsidies from the government of Malaysia. These institutions focus to research the development of the latest technology, which will be used by the industry in Malaysia. Mimos and now has become a corporate research and technology development with its main focus is research & development, the development of national information technology policy and business development.