Socialization of the Doctoral Program in Electrical and Informatics Engineering STEI ITB

On July 1, 2021, a doctoral program socialization event for the Doctor of Electrical and Informatics Engineering took place. The socialization event for the doctoral program (S3) in electrical and informatics engineering was opened with a warm welcome by STEI’s Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Saiful Akbar. In his remarks, he underlined that S3 is a process that requires a deep breath, and requires strong determination in the various influences of the success variables of the teaching and learning process.

There are several things that affect doctoral studies, namely first yourself, such as the strength of determination, time management, and the ability to cope with stress. Second, in the doctoral program there is a work environment, friends, promoters, facilities provided to students from ITB such as workrooms, laboratories, residence rooms, publication assistance, online journals (IEEE, Springer, ACM, etc.), Turnitin, and so forth.

The activity, which was carried out on July 1, 2021, was explained by the Chair of the Doctoral Study Program, (S3), Umar Khayam. The explanation of the study program is divided into three parts.

Part I: A Comprehensive Introduction to STEI

In the first part, it is opened with a notification that the doctoral qualification will open opportunities in the future as researchers and lecturers at universities. This is evidenced by the vacancies of 325 formations covering 221 CPNS formations and 104 CPPPK formations by the National Research and Innovation Agency.

Then the first part focuses more on STEI as a whole. It was informed how many programs are available at STEI ITB, all of which have been accredited A, 9 scientific groups, and 19 laboratories.

The research areas in this doctoral program include biomedical engineering, computer engineering, control & computer systems, knowledge & software engineering, electronics, informatics, information technology, electrical power engineering, and telecommunication engineering.

For cooperation in research, STEI ITB already has many both from within the country and abroad, and there are also universities and industries, such as PLN, Siemens, Indonesia, KAIST, and so on. Alumni also play an active role in supporting the laboratory and industry, so that equipment continues to be upgraded in accordance with the latest technological developments.

Part II: Introduction to the Doctoral Study Program in Electrical and Informatics Engineering

In the second part, the focus is on the Doctoral Study Program in Electrical and Informatics Engineering. The current number of doctoral students is 167 students, 24 promoters, and 90 co-promoters. Since 2000, the publication of doctoral students in electrical and informatics engineering has 199 international journals, 84 national journals, 380 international conferences, and 121 national conferences.

The routine activities of doctoral students with a total of 42 credits include face-to-face lectures of 5 credits of compulsory subjects such as philosophy and research methods and 6 credits of elective courses according to the research field being researched. Then there are 29 credits for research including qualifications, proposals, decrees, and dissertations. In addition, doctoral students also attend weekly seminars of 2 credits.

The stages that are passed in doctoral program education with a normal study period of 3 years are:

  1. Semester 1: Stage I (qualification)
  2. Semester 1-2: Phase II (proposal) and research seminar
  3. Semester 1-5: Stage III (research)
  4. Semester 6: Stage IV (dissertation exam) includes closed session and open trial.

This section also shows several profiles of promoters at STEI in the Electrical and Informatics Engineering Doctoral Program as follows.

  1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarno, M.T (KK Electrical Power Engineering)
  2. Prof. Dr. Ir Pekik Argo Dahono (KK Electrical Power Engineering)
  3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Anggoro Soedjarno P., M.T. (KK Electrical Power Engineering)
  4. Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuarsyah Haroen (KK Electrical Power Engineering)
  5. Prof. Dr. Ir. Tati Latifah Erawati Rajab (KK Biomedical Engineering)
  6. Prof. Trio Adiono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. (KK Telecommunication Engineering)
  7. Prof. Ir. Adit Kurniawan, M.Eng., Ph.D. (KK Telecommunication Engineering)
  8. Prof. Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, M.T., Ph.D. (KK Telecommunication Engineering)
  9. Prof. Dr. Ir. Nana Rachmana Syambas, M.Eng. (KK Telecommunication Engineering)
  10. Dr. Eng. Achmad Munir, S.T., M.Eng. (KK Telecommunication Engineering)
  11. Dr. Iskandar, S.T., M.T (KK Telecommunication Engineering)
  12. Ir. Hendrawan, M.Sc., Ph.D. (KK Telecommunication Engineering)
  13. Prof. Dr. Ir. Benhard Sitohan (KK Software and Knowledge Engineering)
  14. Prof. Ir. Dwi Hendratmo Widyantoro M.Sc., Ph.D. (KK Informatics)
  15. Ir. Kridanto Surendro, M.Sc., Ph.D. (KK Informatics)
  16. Dr. Ir. Rinaldi, M.T. (KK Informatics)
  17. Prof. Ir. Armein Z.R. Langi, M.Sc., Ph.D. (KK Information Technology)
  18. Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhono Harso Supangkat, M.Eng. (KK Information Technology)
  19. Prof. Dr. -Ing. Ir. Suhardi, M.T. (KK Information Technology)
  20. Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng. (KK Information Technology)
  21. Prof. Dr. Ir. Carmadi Machbub (KK Control Systems and Computer)
  22. Prof. Dr. Ir Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono (KK Control Systems and Computer)
  23. Prof. Ir. Emir Mauludi Husni, M.Sc., Ph.D. (KK Computer Engineering)
  24. Dr.techn. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto., S.T., M.T. (KK Computer Engineering)

Part III: Admission, Entrance Test and Scholarship

Registration for the S3 program is as follows

  1. Initial registration of prospective students: July 1, 2021
  2. Deadline for online registration: 10 July 2021
  3. Written test: July 13, 2021
  4. Interview test: 15-16, and 19 July 2021
  5. Selection results: July 22, 2021

Terms and documents that must be uploaded on the ITB admission web can be accessed via and additional requirements for STEI and sample questions can be accessed via https://stei.itb.

In the entrance exam for S3 Electrical and Informatics Engineering, there is a written test that can be chosen 1 of 6 materials including the following.

  1. Electrical circuits + engineering math
  2. Electrical circuits + discrete math
  3. Signal processing + engineering math
  4. Signal processing + discrete math
  5. Algorithm programming + engineering math
  6. Programming algorithm + discrete math

As for the interview test, the questions asked are related to non-technical aspects that support study success as a full-time doctoral student.

Scholarships are also available for doctoral program students from ITB, as well as outside ITB such as industries and ministries

“During the pandemic, the doctoral program was carried out online, both in testing, research, and classes. However, the laboratory remains open.” Said Umar Khayam as Head of the Doctoral Study Program in Electrical and Informatics Engineering.

(Article by Rio Prawira Octavieri, D4 Production Management, Padjadjaran University)