HMIF ITB dengan bangga mempersembahkan :

Seminar ARKAVIDIA 2.0
“IT Indonesia – Sekarang and Akan Datang”

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011
08.30 – 16.00
Aula Timur ITB , Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung

Sesi I “IT Mobile World”, menghadirkan :
1. Narenda Wicaksono (Mobile Practitioners – Nokia Indonesia)
2. Andri Yadi (CEO PT. Dycode Cominfotech Development)
3. DR. Henry Subiakto (Expert Staff – Ministry of Information and Communication)

Sesi II “Edu-IT”, menghadirkan :
1. Ir. Dwi Hendratmo W., M.Sc., Ph.D (SEEI Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Researcher, and E-Learning Practitioners)
2. Dr. Engkos Koswara Natakusumah M.Sc (Expert Staff – Ministry of Technology and Research)
3. Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc (Dirjen DIKTI)

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